> On Jul 9, 2015, at 4:57 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:

> I may be wrong, but I've always seen (rural) service roads as (typically 
> relatively short) access ways 

I normally do too. But Alleys are sometimes a kilometer long, paralleling the 
major road. This idea is what led me to Alley at first. 

> Ways with a lot of crossings/bifurcations won't be service roads because they 
> will serve some collecting/distribution/through traffic function  that goes 
> beyond access to one or two sites.

This is the hard part of what I’m trying to explain.. Maybe this occurs in 
Europe too, but having travelled all over California - driving, biking, 
trekking - through several hundred miles of tracks through the mountains, on 
several hundred calls to repair computers in rural areas with farms and ranches 

I have never seen anything like the tangle of roads Japan generates - nor the 
condition the more unimportant roads are kept at. 

I imagine the easiest way to explain this would be the tangle of residential 
roads that occurs in old neighborhoods. there is usually one or two 
unclassified streets that are the main route through the collection of houses, 
leading to a larger arterial road. and if you really wanted to, you could drive 
only on the residential roads through the neighborhood, but it would be a total 
waste of time - as they make you go longer, and keep leading back and crossing 
the unclassified road over and over. Some may lead off to access the houses on 
a hill - but there is no reason to go up the hill and back down because there 
is nothing there besides houses.

These roads have a similar density and distribution - but what they access is 
rice, corn, banboo, and cedar trees.  There occasionally is a building, a 
tower, or a farmer’s house, but for the most part it is a tangle of roads you 
would never want to be directed down, nor use for “cutting through” because you 
would be parallel to a better road 200m away or you would keep coming back to a 
trunk road at intersections with no no safe way to enter traffic. 

They allow access to the tracks and paths, and link everything back to the 
unclassified roads, which in turn lad to the larger roads. 

In rare cases, like my biking example, you might want to traverse the long way 
through, but seeing them as a bunch of service roads / tracks lets you know 
exactly what roads are what. 

Here is a link to the google maps of my area, the area I traversed between 
towns.  many of the rendered roads should be unclassified, but some of them 
should be classified as a smaller service=rural. A lot of them are tracks as 

the spread of paved roads is enormous, and tangled to hell. 


here is an area I was mapping a while ago:

Which of those is a good road to use? the second choice? and what is a tiny 
road you would curse being routed down, and what is a track?


this area in particular is a good example of why some kind of service=rural 
would be useful. 

I really trust your guys opinion - but this is something I have never seen in 


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