On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 09:16:22PM +0900, johnw wrote:
> OSM is heavily invested in the “lanes” concept for an individual way,
> so tracing the individual lanes of a road with multiple way lines
> breaks OSM’s routing (as I understand it) There are plugins for JSOM
> to let you view the lanes you make. I personally have no idea how to
> use them or how to map the ways going through an intersection, but I
> assume there is a way without tracing it lane by lane. it is a weird
> mix of visual, spatial representation and logical, tag based
> representation. 

It doesnt break it - If there is a real seperation of the directional
lanes than we should map it as such - If its just multiple lanes.
Use the lanes. I have used both concepts and they work both with

> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Lanes
> Ramps, and other linking roads that are actually separated - turn only
> lanes separated by islands, motorway exits and entrance ramps (slip
> roads?) , and other little roads that connect trunk, primary,
> secondary, and tertiary roads to other roads are tagged as “xxxx_link”
> - so it is already possible to map the slip roads for almost any kind
> of road using the existing highway=xxxx_link 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Highway_link

Its not just links - When 2 streets with 2 seperate mapped lanes 
cross you'll get a hash -> #.

The inner 4 snippets:

Whats their name and ref if the east and westbound roads are named
different and have a different ref? Whatever you do you'll produce
errors in navigational intructions.

Turn left on Road A - Continue on Road B

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
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