And with this argument for a hierarchical approach we are back to the start point of umbrella tags that cover all possibilities which is
landuse=educational as a polygon encompassing the whole area and the whole range of educational facilities. using landuse=school excludes universities, colleges, etc and you would then need other tags landuse=university and landuse=college, which then makes the landuse tagging specific instead of general. If we look at the first sentence is correct "Mainly used for describe the *primary use* of land by humans." so the hierarchical approach should then be something like landuse=agriculture... agriculture would then be sub categorised with farmland (worked land for crops), orchard (trees planted for their fruits), vineyard, pasture, etc. landuse=residential (could be divided into urban and rural which have totally different infrastructures) landuse=commercial landuse=industrial landuse=educational landuse=civic landuse=transport instead of the myriad of specifics that we now have like landuse=peat_cutting and landuse=salt_pond....these are all sub categories of the primary use of the land. I know this has diverted from the main topic here but I wanted to point out the overall usage to highlight how my suggestion fits into the overall picture. On 28 May 2015 at 08:52, Martin Koppenhoefer <> wrote: > > 2015-05-28 8:28 GMT+02:00 johnw <>: > >> How about: >> >> Forest=natural ? >> >> >> isn’t that natural=wood? >> >> >> or forest=man_made ? [=plantation or somesuch term for a human-planted >> forest]. >> >> >> A forest is a man-altered area, so i believe “forest” already implies >> man-used. But it is not man_made (as a building is), as the forest is not a >> non-building structure. >> >> > > I believe the (not so uncommon amongst OSM mappers) reading of "natural" > as tag for everything related to nature and man_made for all kind of stuff > made by mankind is not really helpful. The way these are integrated into > the tagging scheme is slightly different, they both cover only a subset of > the aforementioned, namely "natural" covers "natural geographic features" > like beaches, swamps, bays, peaks, mountain passes, single trees, springs, > brush, heath, boulders, ... with a few (more recent) exceptions like "mud" > and "sand" (which actually overlap with other like beach and wetland and > which are landcovers / materials / surfaces rather than "features"), while > "man_made" covers technical structures and facilities (like factories, > chimneys, flagpoles, lighthouses, silos, ...). > > Btw.: a forest can or cannot be a man altered area, typically it now is in > many parts of the world and once wasn't. > > Cheers, > Martin > > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > > >
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