On 25/05/2015 10:52 AM, Andrew Errington wrote:

Yes, I object.

level=* is an "internal" value. Its meaning is absolute, which is necessary because it is used worldwide.

When the value is displayed, the displaying software should localise the result according to either the viewer's language, or viewer's location. Perhaps you are not aware that in some places what British people call "ground floor" is called "first floor". However, it is still the same floor, so it's appropriate to tag it the same (level=0).

The numbers are not meaningless.  They are clearly defined in the wiki.

Best wishes,


On Monday, 25 May 2015, pmailkeey . <pmailk...@googlemail.com <mailto:pmailk...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

    Any objection if I 'rewrite
    http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:level ?

    It seems to have been written with the misconception that floor
    names are numbers when they're not.

One group of buildings I know ... level 1 is the ground floor .. the buildings are 'named' by a letter as a prefix ... thus A211 would be building A , 2nd level (one floor above ground) and room/area 11. Thus it does not follow the OSM level numbering system of ground floor = level 0.

http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Simple_Indoor_Tagging for more on string values.

A person seeking something on level "henry" will not recognise OSM level numbers ... they want the name..

If OSM does not use names, but they are used within the wanted building .. then there will need to be a declared relationship between the two. So there needs to be a relation between the names used locally to the OSM level=number ?

If OSM uses names then OSM will need a relationship between the names and which one is 'ground' and there respective order.

So? A new tag to relate one to the other?
level:name=1:henry      ?
the wiki http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:level#String_values has a mention of string values .. but NO real way of adding them in a usefull way.. nor is there any indication of how to use these tag on a map... as in rendering. For the given example above the indoor map should display the level name .. not the number .. And this could be used where the level numbering is not that used by OSM .. but using the level:name=0:1 could correctly display the correct local number wile retaining the OSM level system.

Indoor .. a GPS will not be of much use .. so the 'indoor map' will need to be a good representation of what goes on.

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