Yes, I object.

level=* is an "internal" value.  Its meaning is absolute, which is
necessary because it is used worldwide.

When the value is displayed, the displaying software should localise the
result according to either the viewer's language, or viewer's location.
Perhaps you are not aware that in some places what British people call
"ground floor" is called "first floor".  However, it is still the same
floor, so it's appropriate to tag it the same (level=0).

The numbers are not meaningless.  They are clearly defined in the wiki.

Best wishes,


On Monday, 25 May 2015, pmailkeey . <> wrote:

> Any objection if I 'rewrite ?
> It seems to have been written with the misconception that floor names are
> numbers when they're not.
> A rewrite:
>    - Won't affect existing names that appear as numbers.
>    - Will encourage mappers to use correct names for floors (as found in
>    the building) rather than attempt to convert them to meaningless numbers.
> --
> Mike.
> @millomweb <> -
> For all your info on Millom and South Copeland
> via *the area's premier website - *
> *currently unavailable due to ongoing harassment of me, my family,
> property & pets*
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