On 24 May 2015 at 18:43, Andreas Goss <andi...@t-online.de> wrote:

> The idea is to get this rendered on the map.
>> My opt is for amenity=power_socket which is what people will be looking
>> for. It will be impossible to have a different symbol to indicate every
>> different type of outlet in the world.
>> Then the next thing they will need to know is the type of socket so
>> type=* (example ... plug_UK ; plug_EU ; USB123 ; USB_C)
>> And it can continue on from there.
> But we don't tag for the map.

No, we tag for the good of our health.

>  The tag 'amenity' automatically indicates it is for public use and so
>> should not be used to tag every private domestic plug in a home.
> Mh... no. It doesn't.

Access=private would show it's not for the public.

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