On 23/05/2015 9:56 AM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
Duck tagging it's not.  One could consider the horrors of tagging:


From http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dcharging_station
But I think that's just as bad an idea as amenity=fuel;vehicle=no.




I don't care that amenity is "overloaded".  This is an amenity.

And even better:

    *socket:usb=4 *  (there are two types Android and Apple, but I
    gloss over that)

And someone who cares can invent subtypes for "ac" like "sev_1011",
or worse set something for multi standard sockets: http://fam-oud.nl/~plugsocket/MultiSockets.html <http://fam-oud.nl/%7Eplugsocket/MultiSockets.html>

And there is this ...


power_supply=nema_5_15 for usa...

There is no USB one there (yet) ..usb_typea, usb_typeb etc... ?

it is not a proposal as yet .. but does not identify it self as vehicle related.
Charging points are avlible in some libraries too ..

Might be time to move thetag power_supply= to a proposal.

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