> Am 16.05.2015 um 15:29 schrieb pmailkeey . <pmailk...@googlemail.com>:
> landuse=golf_course
> leisure+golf_course
> man_made=golf_course
> Surely all three of these are 'obvious' when referring to a golf course ?

you can think of landuse as a more or less fixed list, see here: 
I would see a limit at 5000 uses, everything above is well introduced, 
especially above 50/100K which are the basic classes you should be familiar 
golf_course is not on the first pages 

leisure is indeed the tag for sport locations, so obviously yes

man_made is more about infrastructure, technical, industrial stuff, structures, 
You can get an idea here: http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/man_made#values

There surely is some logical structure in the current osm tagging system and 
yes, you either look up the tags or learn them, or you will have to use presets 

Any system will not be obvious.

Yes, there are also some exceptions and oddities in the system I would like to 
get rid of like you do, but it's not the amenity key or the k/v structure for 

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