Don't agree with this... there have been discussions in the past about
whether the "width" of a "way" includes the pavements etc... Where a
road goes under a bridge, where do you measure the "height" of the road?
The highest point (not good enough for vehicles) or the "lowest highest
point" or "in the middle of the road"? I would expect maxheight:physical
to apply to a "normal vehicle", of maybe 2.5m width. 

There is no difference between the signs for a width/height limit for
"environmental" reasons or for real physical obstructions (although
qualifications like "except for access" may give a clue). But this
distinction is extremely important for emergency vehicles which can
ignore "environmental" limits but not physical ones. 


On 2015-05-13 10:47, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: 

> 2015-05-13 10:31 GMT+02:00 Colin Smale <>:
>> maxheight and maxwidth are indeed not advisory, but they are both still only 
>> "legal" and have ":physical" subtags to indicate the actual width/height of 
>> the obstruction. We won't be needing that for maxspeed I think.
> on a sidenote: the :physical postfix is also about signposted information 
> AFAIK. For the actual width/height you could use "width" and "height"
> cheers, 
> Martin 
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