In American usage, by contrast, the mixed-sizes, rounded rocks you would find
on a rocky beach are shingle. Only the smaller of such rocks would be referred
to as pebbles. Pea gravel refers specifically to pea-sized pebbles, generally
mined from a stream bed or river bed.
On May 11, 2015 5:50:26 PM CDT, "pmailkeey ." <> wrote:
>On 11 May 2015 at 21:35, John F. Eldredge <> wrote:
>> Speaking as an American, I would refer to that as a mix of cobbles
>> setts (some of the stones in the photo look rounded, some squared,
>and some
>> irregular). They appear ti be about the size of a human palm. I think
>> pebbles as rocks of finger-diameter or less, such as the pea gravel
>> used on the surface of concrete driveways, for ornamental reasons.
>Pebbles to me are 'rounded stones' (aka 'cornerless) of any size as
>washed up on a beach having been ground by rubbing against each other
>tidal action. What you describe, I think we'd call 'shingle'.
>There ought to be an American translation of the wiki and osm
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