On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 03:03:14PM +0200, Richard Z. wrote:
> On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 01:29:48PM +0100, SomeoneElse wrote:
> > Regardless of pebbles vs pebblestone, where did the distinction of
> > "gravel=sharp, pebblestone=rounded" come from?   Is there any way to easily
> > see who first contributed a particular section of a wiki page?
> wikiblame would do it but as afaics does not search our wiki so 
> someone would have to setup a server or arrange something with
> wikiblame itself.

actually wikiblame apparently works out of the box if you know which 
parameters to enter:
language: the word "blank" without quotes (not a blank)
project: wiki.openstreetmap


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