On Thu, 2015-05-07 at 17:57 +0200, Stefan Hahmann wrote:
> Dear all,
> I would like to raise a discussion about possible options of how to 
> tag/model sidewalks, crossings and kerbs with respect to routing 
> applications.
> As this can get quite complex, I have put some illustrating figures on 
> this discussion page in the OSM Wiki:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Tag:footway%3Dsidewalk#How_to_model_sidewalks.2C_crossings_and_kerbs_with_respect_to_routing_applications.3F
> Any feedback either via this list or directly on the discussion page is 
> welcome.
> My current favourite would be either solution 3 (which is easiest to 
> implement in current routing engines) or solution 1 (for the sake of 
> actual correct modeling). Maybe there are even more (better?) solutions?

I still favour tagging the road with sidewalk tags, unless the sidewalk
is physically separate from the road. Otherwise you are limited to
crossing at defined points.

Phil (trigpoint)

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