My guess: I think the better word would be stairwell - an indoor or outdoor 
stairway used for accessing different floors, but not part of the floor 
/building itself. Often times stairwells have access limitations, as opposed to 
a doorway opening inside to a single floor.

This door and it’s stairwell do not directly access anything other than the 
stair itself - like a long stairwell in a parking structure, an apartment 
complex, or other structure that is attached to another structure for means of 
accessing the different floors.   I guess.

But I’m not sure how it would be used when rendering entrances yet. 


> On Apr 9, 2015, at 1:45 PM, Bryce Nesbitt <> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Ilpo Järvinen < 
> <>> wrote:
> I added entrance=staircase and entrance=home to many
> entrances I had collected already
> What is a "staircase" entrance?
> If it's a main entrance that leads to a stair, is it tagged differently from 
> a service entrance
> that leads to a stair?  What if the front door to a house is up stairs, which 
> do I use?
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