Conclusion for my own mapping efforts from the discussion so far: start
with stacked amenities until you know something about the campsite
topology, then make nodes/polygons per amenity.

On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 12:58 PM Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> > Am 28.03.2015 um 12:26 schrieb Marc Gemis <>:
> >
> > If I am on a large campsite I want to use "the map" to find my way to
> all amenities. If you have put everything on 1 node it's a pretty useless
> map, not ?
> +1, IMHO the ideal mapping should be an area for the camp site, and
> features should be mapped inside this area as objects on their own (i.e. no
> need to repeat those as attributes on the camp site).
> A specialized camping map could see from the data which features are
> available on a certain site (because this information is spatially
> available)
> On the other hand this requires some processing / advanced querying and
> might be too expensive for general maps, so a basic scheme with rough site
> types for the camp site object ((1-2 attributes should be sufficient) seem
> reasonable as well.
> Cheers
> Martin
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