2015-03-23 17:59 GMT+01:00 Jan van Bekkum <jan.vanbek...@gmail.com>:

> I agree with the proposal to have a different main tag for informal sites;
> something like tourism=wild_camp. I guess some kind of RV/trekking
> attribute would work as well, What we now are looking for is the proper
> distinction between 1, 2 and 4. It should be one attribute key to
> distinguish between the 3 cases. Does standard/basic/non-designated cover
> what we look for?

here are my comments to the 1,2,4 cases:

definition in the proposal:
1. Standard campgrounds (camp_site
- businesses or public bodies that provide guarded and staffed sites for
camping with a at least drinking water, hot showers, toilets and facilities
for dish washing and/or laundry. Usually more services such as electricity,
laundry service, swimming pool, camping store, barbecue facilities etc. are
provided. Operating the campground is a standalone and a fee is charged for
the service;


The value "standard" is OK by me, but I'd require far less features:
1. Standard campgrounds (camp_site
- businesses or public bodies that provide sometimes guarded and TYPICALLY
staffed sites for camping with a at least drinking water, showers, toilets
and facilities for dish washing and/or laundry. Usually more services such
as electricity, hot showers, laundry service, swimming pool, camping store,
barbecue facilities etc. are provided. Normally a fee is charged for the

(Made the hot showers, guards, staff optional, remove the "standalone"

2. --> I'd call them "non-commercial" rather than "designated". This should
be easier to understand.

4. --> Not sure I'd distinguish them from 1, what are the reasons to make
this a new category?

5+6 --> new main tag (see also below)

> I don't have a strong opinion about 6. In the earlier discussion people
> felt it is important that is is mapped in some way.

Yes, I don't object to mapping this at all, I object that these should be
"tourism=camp_site", but I admit I am not sure what actually is there, I
just interpreted the description in the wiki. If these are relatively
small, delimited areas with any kind of service or presence on the ground,
the tourism=camp_site tag might actually OK. If instead these are bigger
parts of the national park with no stuff like toilets, water, fire place,
shelter, staff, a bench, or whatsoever, then I'd rather tag them the same
as wild camping spots, or with yet another tag.


Yet another thing that comes to my mind: what about "permanent camping"
(Dauercamping in German). These are mostly areas inside a standard camping
site that are rent for the whole year and people typically have installed
their own stuff like paving, lamp posts, satellite dishes, sometimes even
fences and hedges. Sometimes the whole site might be reserved to this kind
of "camping" (basically it is a kind of summer cottage, where you bring
your own cottage, used either by people who cannot afford a real summer
cottage or who like the setting of the spot, like a wood aside a lake,
where you wouldn't receive a regular building permission in some countries).

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