It is expected that most renderers only look at the namespace tag, not at
the attributes. How do we ensure that I don't end up at a "bottle store"
while I expect a decent filling station. I am afraid that we pollute the
amenity=fuel tag if we use it for fuel out of a drum as well? We really
should use a different namespace tag.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 5:46 PM Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> 2015-03-19 17:12 GMT+01:00 fly <>:
>> brand=none or
>> no_brand=yes to proper mark the independence.
> some independent petrol stations are organized in associations and use
> these as their brand, see e.g. here:
> not being part of a mineral oil corporation doesn't necessarily mean you
> don't use a brand name.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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