
The last thin I want is to count on a regular filling station and to and up
at a "bottle store" with my 4WD. A that will happen if the type of store is
an attribute, as map makers will show them the same. So please make it a
different value for the tag, not fuel.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:11 PM Stephan Knauss <o...@stephans-server.de>

> On 19.03.2015 20:31, p...@trigpoint.me.uk wrote:
> > However I can see nothing wrong with amenity=fuel, that is what it is in
> that part of the world . What turns amenity=fuel into a regular filling
> station is the building=roof.
> There is a huge difference. You'll notice that if you end up with your
> Diesel pickup in front of a amenity=fuel shelf out of Whiskey bottles
> filled with gasoline. The quantity is even too small to substantially
> fill up a car.
> Those pumps from a barrel are fine for a car. We used them recently on a
> trip near Doi Inthanon. Filling up 500 Baht of Diesel was no issue at all.
> There is operator=independent.
> I suggest this along with amenity=fuel for everything which is suitable
> for filling up a car or small truck/pickup.
> This is to differentiate from big brands like PTT which usually also
> come with a convenience store/coffee shop.
> Vending machines selling petrol for cars also fine.
> The problem are vending machines only serving for motorbikes and those
> bottle-shops.
> I would like to avoid them being amenity=fuel as it is hard to convince
> every western map-maker to query additional tags before deciding how to
> render them. That tag is already too established without extra tags.
> Stephan
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