Landuse=* is not just about defining a residential area or an industrial zone. 

I use all of the class landuses to define the individual grounds for a specific 
company’s factory or for a certain shop. yes, I can use the landuse to define a 
section, but I just as often use it to define individual places - just as one 
defines a school, park, hospital, or other facility.

I am mapping Maebashi, Japan street by street thanks to a recent imagery 

There is no reason you can’t use landuse=residential on the land, wall on the 
border, and a building=* as necessary. 

This is the only intended use of landuse=religious, for example - define the 
grounds of a religious place. 

Plot=*  could be applied to many different kinds of land ownership, just as the 
other industrial, commercial, and industrial landuses are already used in this 

if you really want to map the landuse of individual houses, or even contiguous 
blocks of residential housing, the landuse=residential is for you. 


The blocks might be numbered (like Japan), and the house numbered below that. 
(no street names or sequential numbers, as the plots are not numbered based on 
street location). 

I went looking fro an answer to this just now, (assuming Japan Tagging solved 
this issue) because these block numbers are absolutely necessary for visual 
navigation (they show up on Google and Apple maps, for example) So I compared 
the wikipedia entry on the Japan addressing system to the OSM wiki page for 
Japan tagging to find an answer. 

There are two land naming systems in use in Japan (old and new), and between 
them and the special cases, they use up all the values between “city” and 
“neighborhood” (not every value is used for every address, it is a mix for each 
area), so some kind of administrative value for “place=block” will have to be 
used for the last level between “neighborhood” and “street address” (plot # in 
Japan), which is currently  undocumented on the JA tagging Wiki page. . It 
might help this labeling situation as well. 


> On Mar 11, 2015, at 9:56 PM, Dan S <> wrote:
> 2015-03-11 12:06 GMT+00:00 Martin Koppenhoefer < 
> <>>:
>> 2015-03-11 12:56 GMT+01:00 Jean-Marc Liotier <>:
>>> As you can see, each block is subdivided into land plots - each with a
>>> courtyard and several buildings that usually all belong to an extended
>>> family. Those land plots have a strong significance and the frequent
>>> sighting of spontaneous attempts by to map them in various ways is testimony
>>> to that.
>>> I do not yet have an answer to this requirement - it should obviously be
>>> mapped as an area but I have so far failed to select satisfactory attributes
>>> to model it. I believe that landuse=* is not suitable - in Senegal, as
>>> recommends, the
>>> whole urban area is landuse=residential, so it is not available to map
>>> smaller subdivisions.
>> maybe a new place value? Of the existing ones, maybe place=neighbourhood?
>> Although this is a really small nieghbourhood compared to other areas with
>> this tag.
>> I don't see a problem in the whole area being landuse=residential, still you
>> could split these into several smaller landuse=residential, but I agree that
>> there will be no inherent semantics about the special situation there with
>> just the landuse tag.
> I also think that landuse=residential, plus name=* or whatever, is
> fine. It's how I and some others map "housing estates" in the UK. I
> might "carve out" a portion of the larger landuse=residential. (Not
> everyone does it this way.)
> Dan
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