2015-02-19 10:20 GMT+01:00 Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com>:

> The usuall OSM practice is to have one tag xxx=maze and then have a sub
> tag to distinguish the type of maze. Why this exception .. other than poor
> practice in the past?

you seem to imply that there is just one way to look at the world. A=B with
subtypes of B, but a wall engraving is something completely different
(artwork) than a hedge or a ruin of an ancient religious site, all of which
can come in the form of a maze.

E.g. we are _not_ tagging man_made=metal_plate and then distinguish

Instead we use building=roof for all kinds of roofs and historic=memorial
for some kinds of memorials, and don't care whether they are made of a
metal plate or not.

There are infinite ways to structure / classify / interpret the world,
which are "main classes" and which are "sub classes" is something that
evolves within our open tagging system. There is no "usual OSM practise" in
a way it would determine how to classify mazes.

> My preference is for one tag xxxx=maze .. if a distinction is to be made
> between them then use a sub tag.. but there does not look to be enough of
> them for that to be worthwhile?
> So the choice for tags so far is
> attraction=maze ... looks too restrictive if restrained to only amusement
> parks.
> historic=maze ..looks too restrictive as new mazes would be excluded.
>    So I'd exclude the above two.
> amenity=maze
> leisure=maze
> tourism=maze
> I'd be tossing a coin to chose between the three.

to describe what kind of object?

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