On 19/02/2015 8:19 AM, David Bannon wrote:
Subject renamed for clarity.
* leaving it as it is - easy choice
* Adding dump_station to waste= - consistent with whats there now.
* Adding dump_station to amenity= - easier to map (?)
...I vote for the middle option: waste=dump_station
On Wed, 2015-02-18 at 11:31 +0100, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
semantically this sounds as if dump_station was a kind
of waste, not a place type to put waste
amenity=dump_station or man_made=dump_station
would be the obvious ones.
Thats a very good point Martin, a dump station is not a "waste" but it
is an amenity.
That does differentiate it from much of the the other items listed under
waste=. We tend to use the name for the waste itself in many cases but,
I guess because of its nature, prefer to name the facility rather than
say "excrement", "sh**", whatever.
Quite a good argument for elevating the proposed dump_station to amenity
rather than waste= in my opinion.
Thanks Martin
For waste= ... may be waste=black_water
May be waste=rv_black_water if needed to distinguish it from other
possible black water sources?
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