On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 8:36 PM, 715371 <osmu715...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a very, very special case here:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/318383959
> There is a road with four lanes, but not all of them seem to be
> motorroad. There is a sign which suggests that. I do not like to have a
> separate way there, so I used the following tagging.
> motorroad:lanes=yes|yes|yes|no
> What do you think? Better ideas?
Is this even a motorroad?  Do we have Mapillary for this segment that has
the signage that would lead one to believe this is a motorroad?  Granted,
I'm not horribly acute on EU road issues (beyond what's covered in European
Truck Simulator 2), but just looking at the aerials, this looks like some
kind of primary or secondary route.  Also granted, my knowledge of these is
limited to Oregon, Washington, California and Pennsylvania for the most
part.  However, this looks like something that would be open to
nonmotorized modes.
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