Eric SIBERT <> wrote:
> I started modifying the wiki following our recent discussion.
> For cuisine=*, I added:
> ...
> For shop=convenience, I added (in Tags used in combination):
> ...


> And latter go on with culture=* for nonfood services?


Hi Martin

Martin Koppenhoefer <> wrote:
> The flexibility is not a pro but a con, too flexbile ;-)

Flexible enough (pro) or too flexible (con): YMMV ;)
I view 'ethnicity' as not flexible enough and 'culture' as appropriate.
At least 'culture' is my preferred proposal so far. Maybe someone can
propose something better.
I think culture=* is good enough to start using it and document it and get
more feedback.

> I don't like "culture" as it is way too generic IMHO, it can mean a lot
of different stuff

I quite agree but argued that "Within the context of shops and with the
associated values related to nationalities and the like, the meaning of
culture=* is rather unmistakable."
Other proposals were far more generic (origin) or a little too specific
(ethnic/ethnicity, nationality, subculture).
I think culture=* is a nice middle ground and a good fit regarding the
values that are expected to be used.

> you can see from taginfo that none of the currently
> used values do fit with the here intended meaning:

culture=* is indeed not used yet in the here intended meaning. Because it
is a brand new idea and because it is discussed here first, instead of use
first and discuss after.

> Instead they mostly fit into a proposal I made up 5 yrs ago but then

Already discussed in some details.
84 uses, only tagging errors where culture=X should be replaced by
amenity=X or tourism=X.
culture=* is available as a tagging option, the current use is irrelevant.
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