This, and already the existing tagging for restaurant cuisine have a basic
flaw. They only work in a few countries of the West.
If you think about it, most likely al restaurants in China would have to
have cuisine=chinese, or all grocery stores in Marocco would have to be
labelled convenience=north_african or whatever.
Basically you want to label restaurants/shops only if they offer something
different from what's the typical local fare.

I have no proposal, I am just observing.

On 16 January 2015 at 13:45, Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> 2015-01-16 13:29 GMT+01:00 moltonel 3x Combo <>:
>> I've recently tagged a shop=convenience, convenience=polish. You'll
>> find a handfull of other examples of convenience=* clothes=*
>> hairdresser=* on taginfo.
> I suggest to use a more specific key that already tells in its name what
> it is about, and that allows for tagging several orthogonal properties. The
> current values for convenience (in total only used 11 times) are:
> yes
> russian
> mall
> pet
> polish
> variety_store
> african
> wine;honey;rice;pastery;book
> so basically there is no system, and the values make it hard if not
> impossible to understand what is actually tagged.
> I have found these in taginfo:
> ethnicity (total use 65)
> origin (used more often, but has the same problem then "convenience", it
> is mixed up with different concepts)
> cheers,
> Martin
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