On Sat, 24 Jan 2015, Никита wrote:
> Valid point, but also should suggest good practices for people who would
> like to benefit from default indexes:
> API performance
API doesn't care. Or which API call you're refering to?
> overpass performance
Overpass could handle semicolons, if it wanted to. That is, it
could provide a query interface which can fetch you the "green", etc. even
when there are semicolons used without require the use of regexp. I think
it even should do that!
BTW, who are those "people" anyway? Are you speaking for them for real
or did you elect yourself as their spokeman without asking them?
> These tools are quite popular right now and we should consider how people
> with work with data. JOSM is editor for raw osm data, not post-processes or
> indexed data.
Here goes your CPU argument too then. Does JOSM have indexes for fast
searching with tags? And I doubt that it would be all that hard to add
support to josm to handle semicolon value searching (all without regexp
magic obviously to please you, newbies, and me :-)).
> > Nobody (except you) is forcing anyone to store semicolon values as
> > literals rather than e.g. into a postgresql array. Your argument
> > entirely *depends* on that stupid way of loading multivalue into the
> > DB.
> I see your point. Actually, let's talk about it. How "smart" loading
> script should know if key=* is multivalued or not? Should it parse every
> value in database?
> ";;;;" - 4 symbols? 2 escaped semicolons? how do you know?
I see your point, the escape needs to be defined like has been
already discussed in this thread. But actually, let's talk about it
a bit more. How would your approach deal with this then?
tag:=yes four times(?!?)
Does that make sense to "newbies"?!?
...I suppose you'll respond that this was a bad example and I'll
whole-heartedly agree with you :-).
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