On 22/01/2015, fly <lowfligh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> The wiki page is very recent with only two contributors. I wouldn't be
>>>> surprised if "e-cigarette" in the db was also contributed by no more
>>>> than 1-2 mappers. I suggest contacting them to make sure that they are
>>>> ok with "e_cigarette", and then make the change to wiki and db.
>> There are at least 30 mappers who have used shop=e-cigarette. Almost
>> all of them started using this tag *after* user StephaneP imported
>> about 80 e-cigarette shops in France.

My hunch about few mapper was due to the spelling looking wrong to me,
and the many variations. Thanks for checking.

>> I also think that e-cigarette would be better than e_cigarette, as the
>> - does not represent a space, and "e-cigarette" is a regular English
>> word, used for instance in newspapers.
> No doubt about the spelling but still prefer a tag without abbreviation
> and advertising background. So call it by proper name. In my case
> electronic_cigarette=yes.

I always spelled it "ecigarette" in my mind, but what do I know ?
Googling and duckducking show all 3 variations to be fairly common.
But they're all kind of slang/marketing terms (like "e-cig"), so I
think that electronic_cigarette is a better fit for osm. FWIW, that's
what wikipedia uses too.

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