Hi  Clifford  ,

> What I'm trying to understand is why is addrN the solution. Should 
> addr:conscriptionnumber tags be retagged to addrN?

I think, no. This proposal for the new cases, mostly. But if CZ or SK or A 
community decide to switch for a new one scheme, 
conscription numbers could be mapped via addrN.

> Can you describe the root cause of why these structures ended up with two 
> addresses?

Let's imagine that we have a building with facades for 2 or 3 or 4 streets. 
Let's go along any of these streets, and mark buildings with numbers without 
In such case building will have 2, 3, 4 addresses.
And they are in use and applied to whole building.
It's how bunch of addresses rows like below appears.

One more example:
We have a town with some neighborhoods.
And buildings inside neighbor are not arranged into grid.
And in such case people are use scheme like this
number_inside_neighbor - neighbor_ref_number - city
but still buildings have addresses like

Next case:
We have a small town, with some streets which are not strongly arranged into 
And number - street - city is not cozy, streets may haven't names, 
so number-city may become usable.
After town grows up, 
there may pop out number-street-city addresses.

Mon, 19 Jan 2015 15:38:25 -0800 от Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us>:
>On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 9:38 AM, Dmitry Kiselev  < dkise...@osm.me > wrote:
>>Here they are  http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/78y
>>If you read  http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_Features/addrN you 
>>will find photographs
>>how such addresses looks like in real life.
>>And it's not the case when you have two entrances with different addresses, 
>>whole building have two or more addresses, it doesn't depends on entrances.
>I am not doubting you that these exist, what I'm trying to understand is why. 
>The images on the proposal page server do document that they exist. But 
>pulling out a list from OSM doesn't explain why they exist. They could as just 
>as easily be missed tagged. Can you describe the root cause of why these 
>structures ended up with two addresses? Conscription is one example. However 
>addr:conscriptionnumber is already in use. 
>What I'm trying to understand is why is addrN the solution. Should 
>addr:conscriptionnumber tags be retagged to addrN? 
>Being able to explain to future mappers when and why to use addrN is 
>OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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