On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 5:28 AM, Dmitry Kiselev <dkise...@osm.me> wrote:

> > This seems like a particularly strange edge case for the address scheme,
> > but I'm curious if any of those valid addresses are consider the
> "primary?"
> I am curious too, and there is no answer actually. Ofc. whe can chose one
> of them as primary, but in most cases it's not obvious.
> For example, residents may have one address in their official documents,
> and when you want to sand a mail you will threat
> this address as primary, but POIs might use the second one.

Almost sounds like a mixed use facility where there's apartments over
storefronts; in which the indoor mapping schema would work, the residential
floors would get one address while the ground level commercial stuff gets
the other.
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