On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 4:54 AM, Dmitry Kiselev <dkise...@osm.me> wrote:

> Andrew, you don't answered a question how to compare addr points to poi
> points,
> and chose is there one address or two or more.

Also there is no chance to map building with addresses with node
> (without polygonal geometry, in case you can't draw outline accurate
> enough).

This seems like a particularly strange edge case for the address scheme,
but I'm curious if any of those valid addresses are consider the "primary?"
 And if that's the case, what's wrong with creating a node on the building
for each additional valid address?  People looking for an amenity could
look up closest POIs after finding a secondary address.  It's not a clean
situation, but it does have a couple advantages:

   - Works with existing data consumers
   - Simple for users to tag.

Granted, it does have the obvious drawback you mentioned.

> This problem is already solved by bare address nodes. There's
> > absolutely no need to introduce an additional ugly complex scheme just
> > to avoid spatial lookups into the database.
> Please answer the questions before making such pathetic statements.

 Guys, guys, there's got to be an civil way to discuss this.  We can all
fight when we're drunk at SOTM.  *ducks!*
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