On 18 January 2015 at 22:11, Dan S <danstowell+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2015-01-18 20:52 GMT+00:00 Markus Lindholm <markus.lindh...@gmail.com>:
>> On 17 January 2015 at 22:16, Friedrich Volkmann <b...@volki.at> wrote:
>>> With the addrN schema, we need one object (a node tagged shop=* and
>>> addrN:*=*) for a shop.
>>> With the provides_feature relation we need one node for the shop, one node
>>> for each address, and one relation.
>> And if there are two shops that both have the same address? Then your
>> scheme breaks down as you would end up with a database with two
>> distinct nodes but same address. Clearly a bad thing and against the
>> principle of 'One feature - one element'
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/One_feature,_one_OSM_element
> This criticism is mistaken. (The wiki page even gives a counterexample
> of "More than one of something on the same site" which is rather
> similar to "two shops with the same address".) We have lots of
> examples in OSM of two distinct objects with the same address - it's
> quite common in real life, and if it is a problem then it's nothing to
> do with "addrN", it would be a problem with a large portion of our
> "addr" data!

I think that comes down to how addresses are viewed, either as a
proper feature in their one right or as an attribute to some other
feature. I think addresses are proper features, so a distinct address
should be found only once in the database.


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