On Saturday 03 January 2015, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> What about small airport next to big one - how it should be guessed
> who operates which runways?
> As both are mapped as nodes it is necessary to guess.

Yes, this is somewhat complex but if performance is not an issue this is 
doable i think.  If you assign each runway to the airport node closest 
to it this will be correct in the vast majority of cases.  Also note if 
something goes wrong this is not a big deal - it would just result in 
slightly suboptimal labeling.  And in difficult cases you could always 
resort to mapping with polygons which would resolve such ambiguities.

> It is possible that such query will be too expensive to run it as it
> would degrade performance of
> rendering server.

Likely - mainly due to the fact that all this needs to be calculated on 
the fly and is not reused when needed again.  In total analyzing 
30k-40k airports would not be such a big deal. But doing this again for 
every zoom level and repeatedly near the metatile boundaries would hurt 
of course.

Christoph Hormann

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