On 24/12/2014 11:29 AM, tagging-requ...@openstreetmap.org wrote:
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 17:37:34 +0100
From: Rainer Fügenstein <r...@oudeis.org>
To: "Tag discussion, strategy and related tools"
Subject: [Tagging] Accuracy of survey
Message-ID: <811143140.20141223173...@oudeis.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
mapper A, by means of DGPS, MilStd GPS, crystal ball etc., is able to
achieve an accuracy of, say, a few centimeters and uses it to add new
nodes (POIs) to OSM.
some time later, mapper B with his/her ancestors mechanical GPS device
(*), achieving an accuracy of max., say, 15 meters, surveys the same
area, figures out that (by his/her point of view) POIs added by mapper
A are 15 meters off and corrects their location.
what is needed here is some tag, saying "don't touch these
coordinates, they've been surveyed with high(est) accuracy".
I heard this argument from an pipeline expert, noting that marker
surveyed with consumer GPS are (for their standards) way off their
real location.
maybe this is a non-issue after all, if consensus is that consumer
GPS accuracy is sufficient enough.
Terms !!
In Metrology (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrology) the words
accuracy, error, etc have specific meaning ..
The common term 'accuracy' or 'error' may mean a normal Gaussian
distribution taken at 1 sigma or it could mean a rectangular
distribution taken at 100% coverage ... probably the semi range.
Does it matter?
To the normal user .. no. They too have a consumer grade GPS .. and that
too will have errors so an offset will be expected.
The professional surveyor may use OSM . But not as a source for
performing a survey, but as an indication. They should have access to
professionally defined points and boundaries, past professional surveys.
So I'd say .. No it does not matter. Provided the relationship to the
adjacent objects is a reasonable representation of what is there so
recognition and navigation is possible.
Best tag?
I've seen a node with a note 'move to +32.14342 151.345345' (the
numbers are fictitious). I did as it said and that conformed much better
to the Bing sat image than before it was moved. So I left it there.
Troubling no source was stated, that would have been nice. As would have
been an 'accuracy' statement. If I have seen a statement of
'uncertainty' with a 'coverage' factor I'd be surprised!
Best survey? Ideally ?
Several GPS traces done on separate days/weeks/months so as different
satellite constellations are used. Reference could also be made to any
professional survey marks (usually administered by the government ,these
will have known locations and 'accuracies'). These can then be applied
to a satellite image but there are significant shifts depending on
topography and parallax errors, so caution is required in there
application over any significant area.
If you don't want something changed .. add a note and say why ... and
inculcate the source by adding the source tag!!!! Things that are very
well documented tend to be left alone.
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