2014-12-15 15:42 GMT+01:00 sabas88 <saba...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I know we have an unusual amount of bureaucracy in Italy, but we may not
> need a custom tag for it....

from my experience it is mostly not the amount of bureaucracy but the
response times that are a real show stopper ;-)

> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dpublic_building

this is not a really an alternative, as it is not a synonymon, it is about
a public building (and implicitly referring - how I interpret the
intentions of the tag - to public services inside the building), and would
from my interpretation include a lot of services that won't be included in
"ufficio pubblico" (e.g. libraries, museums, schools, ...).

Still I agree that amenity=ufficio_pubblico is in no way a good tag idea.
First - if we were to introduce a country-specific tag for the public
administration, what I oppose like you do - I'd expect a namespace for
this, like "it:ufficio_pubblico" (to indicate that the tag is in Italian).

Secondly, if the reason to introduce this tag was to tag "informagiovani",
and if this is their homepage: http://www.informagiovani.it/ , I wouldn't
even classify these as public administration, as they are privately run.
There are English words to express the concept of "ufficio pubblico" and
the tag - if chosen as generic as it is here - could well be in English. As
a tag proposal for this specific institution I would have expected
something on the same "specificy level", e.g. amenity=it:informagiovani
(but I wouldn't support such a specific toplevel tag either).

IMHO we should define the type of service that informagiovani is offering,
and then try to find a suitable tag. Up to now there is no actual
documentation or definition on the proposal page:

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