I see heavy use in Ireland, UK, and Japan, and there was a fellow from
I count a dozen uses in Japan.
UK it's more common, but if you look closer it's again a handfull few
mappers. And Polarbear a German mapper who also pushes this tag in the
Wiki is for example remapping churchyards in the UK to landuse=religious
e.g. http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/293297711/history
Also: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User_talk:Polarbear_w
Maybe he speaks only Polish?
Well, then he has to find someone in the community who supports him
there. Or at least he could work on the definition of the Polish Wiki
page. (Checked his User Page, he speaks English)
Btw. I actually just now realized this page defines it as ecclesiastical
territory and links to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple o_O
Especially the sacred_ground thing confuses me, maybe it's also just
the translation.
I see him mention the term, but not as a proposal for a landuse tag, and
it is not used:
One possible interpretation was landuse=religious = holy ground ?!
It's a wiki, made by people. We are discussing it here, which can lead
to a refined
definition. Other often used tags have poor definitions as well.
It's made by the few people who use the tags. And they don't manage to
present good definition in the first place. Also other defintions
usually are poor defined because a lot of people started using it and
there was no real agreement. I feel like if here a few mappers want to
introduce a new tag and start mapping it then at least they should make
sure it's well defined how and when to use it.
That's why people set up a proposals, so you can discuss it with the
people what you think about tagging it like this. It's kinda complicated
to argue for or against something if you don't even know what it is.
It's not even clear if it has to be around a amenity=place_of_worship
> (description on the right) or that just often happens to be the case
(introduction text).
I had identified 4 use cases in a mail yesterday.
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