On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 8:36 PM, André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>

> Yes, this sentence is misunderstood, and by many repliers apparently.
> It means that once Mapnik uses a (defined) rendering you cannot change it
> (RENDER is ignored).
> The main idea behind RENDER is not coloring objects, and I agree it
> shouldn't, but showing them.
> And the renderer can do that with any single color they like.
Basically, all renderers already decide what they print or not. Adding a
flag saying "hey don't forget my feature" will not change this principle.
Also with your tag, the same feature may or may not be displayed on the
map, depending if you added your RENDER tag or not. Your proposal have no
chance to be adopted for these reasons.

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