Wouldn't adding attributes solve the problem you described? I.e. field
On Jul 14, 2014 2:11 PM, "Dudley Ibbett" <dudleyibb...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to work out exactly how a generic "field" would be mapped using
> this new tag.  I am assuming you would have a way that marks the field
> boundary and in many cases this would be tagged with the
> barrier=fence/wall/hedge.  This is what much or my mapping currently
> consists of.   What is enclosed by the field boundary is arguably the
> "field" but it seems the use of landuse=field for such an area isn't
> encouraged where the wiki is concerned.  With this new tag presumably you
> would mark out any areas of "field margin" with any appropriate additional
> tag to describe what is in the field margin.  The area left within the
> "field" would then be tagged with the "crop".
> Field margins have a much "tighter" definition in the UK, most likely due
> to the use of payments to encourage farmers to create these for
> conservation purposes.   Wood and scrub wouldn't fall under this
> definition, nor would hedges so I wouldn't be keen to see these additional
> tags used.  Hedges vary considerably in size around where I live depending
> on whether they are cut regularly or not but they are still hedges and not
> field margins.  Natural tree rows are also found quite commonly along
> rivers and streams that form field boundaries.  natural=tree_row fits with
> this feature as they are not field margins.
> Would it not be better to have a "tighter" definition of this particular
> "field" feature when it comes to the use of any additional tags?
> Kind Regards
> Dudley
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 16:11:49 +0200
> From: m...@simon-wuellhorst.de
> To: tagging@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [Tagging] Suggestions for the correct tagging of Field borders
> Hello,
> thanks for your feedback. I created a proposed features page for
> fieldmargins where I wrote down my ideas about this topic.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/fieldmargin
> Please give me feedback (here or on the wikipage) to improve this propose.
> Greetings,
> Simon
> 2014-07-05 19:00 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:
> > Am 05/lug/2014 um 11:08 schrieb Simon Wüllhorst <
> m...@simon-wuellhorst.de>:
> >
> > Is a proposal-page in the wiki needed?
> It is Not strictly needed (you can use the tag straight away), but it is
> recommended in order to have some documentation remaining. I'd also suggest
> to put a link (see also) on landuse farmland
> cheers,
> Martin
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