
I'm trying to work out exactly how a generic "field" would be mapped using this 
new tag.  I am assuming you would have a way that marks the field boundary and 
in many cases this would be tagged with the barrier=fence/wall/hedge.  This is 
what much or my mapping currently consists of.   What is enclosed by the field 
boundary is arguably the "field" but it seems the use of landuse=field for such 
an area isn't encouraged where the wiki is concerned.  With this new tag 
presumably you would mark out any areas of "field margin" with any appropriate 
additional tag to describe what is in the field margin.  The area left within 
the "field" would then be tagged with the "crop". 

 Field margins have a much "tighter" definition in the UK, most likely due to 
the use 
of payments to encourage farmers to create these for conservation 
purposes.   Wood and scrub wouldn't fall under this definition, nor would 
hedges so I wouldn't be keen to see these additional tags used.  Hedges vary 
considerably in size around where I live depending on whether they are cut 
regularly or not but they are still hedges and not field margins.  Natural tree 
rows are also found quite commonly along rivers and streams that form field 
boundaries.  natural=tree_row fits with this feature as they are not field 

Would it not be better to have a "tighter" definition of this particular 
"field" feature when it comes to the use of any additional tags?

Kind Regards

Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 16:11:49 +0200
From: m...@simon-wuellhorst.de
To: tagging@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Suggestions for the correct tagging of Field borders

Hello,thanks for your feedback. I created a proposed features page for 
fieldmargins where I wrote down my ideas about this topic. 

Please give me feedback (here or on the wikipage) to improve this propose.

2014-07-05 19:00 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:

> Am 05/lug/2014 um 11:08 schrieb Simon Wüllhorst <m...@simon-wuellhorst.de>:


> Is a proposal-page in the wiki needed?

It is Not strictly needed (you can use the tag straight away), but it is 
recommended in order to have some documentation remaining. I'd also suggest to 
put a link (see also) on landuse farmland




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