Dear all,
I edited the two proposals as required.
Regarding the intermodal_terminal, I added a definition and some pictures.

Considering the port proposal, I made more extensive changes to make it
more similar to other tags, as suggested by Martin. Mainly the idea is to
have categories in the port key (with a bonus port=cargo and removing the
-unuseful?- values and the one already defined), then specifying in case of
port=cargo the cargo handled (container terminals become landuse=port,
port=cargo, cargo=container).
Issues pending to be discussed:
- Martin suggested to use man_made instead of landuse;
- port:type is working as it is? (here I added that the value seaport is
implicit, but the other are needed when necessary)
- clarify the distinction in the difference with harbour.

Let me know!

Best regards,
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