2014-07-07 16:50 GMT+02:00 Andreas Goss <andi...@t-online.de>:

> This proposal needs EXAMPLES, EXAMPLES and more EXAMPLES!!!

Hi Andreas,
thanks for the email..
I will try to follow your suggestion :-)

> I would like to see some examples that show everything in one picture:
> habour, ports, port authority boundary +names etc. Should also be of one
> which highlighs the differences (so not one with just 1 port and where
> port=habour) I'm happy if this is just a screenshot with some MS Paint
> (such a image will be needed for the Wiki Page later anyway)

Okay, seems legit.
>From previous email I am wondering if my way is correct (I am using
landuse=port to identify single "terminals", and distinguish them with

> That table needs clean up. At lof of things make no sense as port
> (Syncrolift) others bascially mean the same (Ferry/Passenger).
> It is also missing things: http://goo.gl/pw5K0P, http://goo.gl/Xj7DIt

I basically followed the category from IHO to stay if possible coherent
with OpenSeaMap. Could you link where you've taken these lists?
These features seem partially already defined in OSM (marina, dock)

> You also have to decide if you want main and sub categories. Like traiding
> or cargo port and container or bulk. Then you might want to use
> cargo:containers=yes instead of port:category=containers. Or you may want
> to put some of that information into the harbour or terminals.

Uhm, could you please clarify this point?


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