2014-07-06 12:48 GMT+02:00 Malcolm Herring <malcolm.herr...@btinternet.com>:

> On 06/07/2014 10:45, sabas88 wrote:
>> Let me know how I can edit / disambiguate.
>>  The important distinction is that a port is an administrative boundary
> (which may have several disjunct areas) whereas harbours, terminals, docks,
> wharves, basins, quays, etc. are physical features. Since those latter
> features will be administered by the port authority, they should all be
> within the port boundary(s).
> Take this example, it identifies a container terminal

In this case the harbour tag should enclose La Spezia harbour.

In Genoa, landuse=harbour has been placed to represent a division used by
port authority (Sampierdarena West / East)

For area administered by the authority (so all the harbours / ports), I
used a proper boundary from the official data

It's correct my representation?


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