Dear Stefano,
> Accepting the tag landuse=port would improve the detailed tagging of port
> areas, for example to tell apart container terminals (easily
> distinguishable from satellite imagery) from passenger terminals and so on.
Thank you very much for your good strucutured and very detailed proposal. I
think it's a good idea to clearly map the port infrastructures, and also to
harmonize between OpenStreetmap and OpenSeaMap.
What I just do not understand is the basic relation between "harbour" and
"port". According to
Port: An administrative area that encloses a harbour area, including the
seaward approaches and all land facilities within its jurisdiction.
Harbour: The sheltered waters within a port area. They are usually enclosed by
moles, breakwaters, quays or natural land features.
=> So I would expect being "port" a big area around a smaller area which is
In your Proposal, you write:
Harbour: A natural or artificially improved body of water providing protection
for vessels, and generally anchorage and docking facilities.
Port: A place provided with terminal and transfer facilities for loading and
discharging cargo or passengers, usually located in a harbour.
=> So this would imply that "port" is a individual facility inside a "harbour".
I'm not sure yet which of the two makes more sense, is better to describe a
harbour, or is closer to the general meaning of the terms. But I really would
think it a pity to introduce such a fundamental contradiction in a new proposal.
Any Suggestions???
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