Maybe we should move towards a scheme more specific about accepted
currencies :


For a one-way Bitcoin ATM dispensing BTC in exchange of USD, for example.

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Janko Mihelić <> wrote:

> Maybe create a new tag that tells if the ATM is connected to the interbank
> network[1] which makes an ATM a classical ATM. For example
> interbank_network=yes, or interbank_network=ATH, or whichever interbank
> network an ATM is connected to. Maybe there are some ATMs that only take
> their own cards, which makes that ATM not very useful to the general public
> just like the Bitcoin ATM.
> [1]
> 2014-06-09 14:30 GMT+02:00 Janko Mihelić <>:
> 2014-06-09 13:58 GMT+02:00 Henning Scholland <>:
>>> Hi
>>> I don't know if this would be a good idea. Of course it would be the
>>> correct tagging, but on the other hand the typical interpretation of
>>> amenity=atm is, that you get "real" money. As this fact is kind of
>>> default, it is never tagged. AFAIK bitcoin-atm only handle bitcoins, so
>>> it could lead to problems.
>>> Henning
>> AFAIK most Bitcoin ATMs right now take "real" money and convert it to
>> Bitcoins. Some can take Bitcoins and convert them to real money and give it
>> to you. So I'm not sure why this wouldn't be called an ATM. Calling it
>> anything else would be tagging for the renderer (we don't want it to show
>> up on maps because it isn't a classical ATM)
>> We only have to insist on the tag cash_out=no, and then tell renderers to
>> not render amenity=atm+cash_out=no.
>> Janko
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