I don't know if this would be a good idea. Of course it would be the
correct tagging, but on the other hand the typical interpretation of
amenity=atm is, that you get "real" money. As this fact is kind of
default, it is never tagged. AFAIK bitcoin-atm only handle bitcoins, so
it could lead to problems.


Am 06.06.2014 19:40, schrieb Andreas Goss:
> Just found a discussion about Coinmap and OpenStreetMap on /r/Bitcoin
> http://redd.it/27dam9 and saw that a lot of pages now also list Bitcoin
> ATMs, but so far there is nothing about it on the Wiki.
> The obvious tags would be:
> amenity=atm
> currency:XBT=yes
> Would there be anything wrong with just adding that combination to the
> Wiki?
> - http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Datm
> - http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bitcoin
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