Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
Am 14/mar/2014 um 15:51 schrieb Fernando Trebien
Do you agree that the river can be tagged with layer=-1 as long as
this value is correct in relation to the layer of other
nearby/crossing ways?
I would discourage you to do so. Layer tags should only be applied to ways
that actually cross other objects on different layers (ie without
intersecting them).
I agree totally with: "Layer tags should only be applied to ways that actually
cross other objects....."
At its simplest, a layer tag is a hint to a renderer which of two crossing
ways should be rendered later (i.e. on top). If a renderer does not apply the
real world knowledge that a bridge (by its definition) crosses over a way
(road, water, whatever) underneath, then it can still take the hint to render
it correctly. The renderers have no problem interpreting the situation
correctly, with or without the layer tag, afaik.
A layer tag is not a way to define the relative height of different objects.
Some of the discussion on the proposal's talk page is confused about that.
I would tag the structure (bridge or tunnel) with a layer tag*.
I would not tag a river or stream along its entire length.
Rivers, streams, canals, etc. are surface features (in most cases). The mere
fact that the bed of a waterway is often at a lower level than the
surrounding ground level is not relevant for the layer tag since hinting for
correct rendering is not necessary. (In the Netherlands and other polder
areas, waterways are often above the surrounding area.)
*Actually, as I made clear on talk when we had this discussion very recently,
I would prefer not to use the layer tag at all in most of these cases. The
fact that somewhere between one quarter (taginfo) and one third (overpass
turbo samples in the Netherlands) do not use a layer tag with bridges
indicates to me that it is not as clear cut as people are suggesting. (Note: I
realise that there are specific cases where explicit tagging for layer hinting
is necessary (e.g. bridges or viaducts layered vertically). These are
relatively rare.)
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