Personally, I don't think the wiki for a well established tag should be
changed in such a significant way without discussion and voting.
This is because I would oppose changing the access tag away from the legal
access rights. I think if we want to describe something subjective like
what vehicles may or may not fit, that should be put in a new proposal for
a new tag.
Best regards,

On 8 January 2014 15:36, SomeoneElse <> wrote:

> Colin Smale wrote:
>> ... "Unsuitable for HGVs" is seen frequently in the UK. ...
>> Taginfo gives 318 occurrences of hgv=unsuitable. The principle of hgv=*
>> (and other vehicle-class tags) using the same values as access=* would also
>> suggest there is some merit in documenting "unsuitable" as a recognised
>> value.
> I'm still not convinced that "hgv=unsuitable" is be a valid access tag.
>  Access _rules_ in England and Wales are complicated enough already without
> trying to include what may or may not be a good idea because you might get
> stuck.  That said, I don't yet know of a "good" way of recording the
> information beyond sticking it in a note.  FWIW I asked a similar question
> a couple of years ago on talk-gb:
> My guess (and it is just a guess because I haven't done it) would be that
> if you wanted to create an HGV-aware routable map it wouldn't be that
> difficult to process whatever HGV tags (along with surface and whatever
> else) there are (in notes and elsewhere) to determine "don't go down here".
>  Only when someone's done a first pass of that will people be able to point
> to a road near them and say "that road should not be suggested or included
> because...".  Until someone comes up with a better suggestion for tagging
> it's just important to record "unsuitable for HGVs" in some manner so that
> it can be converted to whatever better scheme emerges in the future.
> Cheers,
> Andy
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