2013/12/11 Malcolm Herring <malcolm.herr...@btinternet.com>

> We (OpenSeaMap) are open to suggestions on this. The harbour project has
> recently been re-started after a hiatus of several years. As we are
> building a separate database to contain imports from various public harbour
> data sources. These harbour objects only require a simple
> "seamark:type=harbour" tag to cause our map to render an icon and pop-up
> data from this database with a mouse hover. The question is: how do OSM
> mappers contribute to this data? Hence the facility availability tags.
> (These tags have existed for years, but were rarely used).
> I would be interested to hear (constructive!) ideas.
I started adding some details regarding marine tagging and I somehow found
difficult to search for exact tags (example:
http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/418883069), so I would like to  see more
integration between OSM and OpenSeaMap.

An example: I started adding UN/ECE locodes with the tag ref:LOCODE as
opposed to the seamark tagging because the codes are given also to inland

It's still unclear to me how to tag some details in container terminals,
but this could span another discussion..

(Regarding rendering, the main osm style could catch some openseamap tags
to improve visualization of marine facilities and stimulate the
contribution, but this is also a little bit offtopic)


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