2013/12/10 Andrew Errington <erringt...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, 10 Dec 2013 19:26:55 Steve Bennett wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>   My cycletouring map, http://cycletour.org, has been slowly morphing into
>> a general topographic map[1]. One thing that's missing, though, is names
>> for topographic features like mountain ranges, spurs, and general areas.
>> Looking at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Category:En:Key:natural,
>> there seem to be some gaps.
>> - how do you tag a mountain range? That is, not a single ridge or mountain,
>> but a line of mountains, potentially hundreds or even thousands of
>> kilometres long
>> - how do you tag a spur? In Australia, many spurs are named, ("Champion
>> spur", "Son of a bitch spur"). natural=ridge perhaps?
>> - how do you name a generic geographic feature, like a cluster of rocks
>> ("Mushroom rocks") or a vague features like "the blowhole", "something
>> hollow". The tags are all very specific and seem to imply the ability to
>> render it somehow other than using words. (I have ended up using
>> place=locality for some of these but it doesn't seem right.)
>> Steve
>> [1] See this area for instance: http://bit.ly/1gVmycD
> Yes please!  I just added some hiking trails and had a named spur[1] that I
> wanted to record.  I used place=locality, but it seems wrong for the same
> reasons you give.  I'd suggest that since we have natural=peak, and
> natural=saddle we should have natural=spur.  natural=ridge, if it's not
> already used, should be for ridges.  Perhaps we could also have
> natural=feature for a general named 'thing' that is visible and well known.
> Could be any sort of rock, outcrop, fissure etc.

All sounds good. Note that for rocks and outcrops we do have tags:
(I was using natural=rock before but it seems natural=bare_rock is
preferred since less ambiguous. I tend to use this for standing rock
areas as well as for flat ones...)


> [1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/35.7236/128.0624&layers=C

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