And why not? What's the difference between "road: you may not cycle,
cyclepath: you may cycle" and "road: you may only cycle on the cyclepath,
cyclepath: you may cycle"? And if it's such an important difference, why
only use this for cyclists? Why not put a "motor_vehicle:use_carriageway"
on the cyclepath?

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer <> wrote:

> > Am 14/nov/2013 um 00:53 schrieb "Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)" <
> >
> > I don't see why you can't tag the roads you're talking about
> > with bicycle=no (or maybe something like bicycle=restricted for the
> > cases where more significant use is allowed) and then add a second tag
> > along the lines of bicycle:restriction=DE:use_cycleway to capture the
> > fact that the legal exclusion of bikes is because of X country's
> > parallel cycleway rules.
> You shouldn't do it, because it would be wrong. There is no legal
> exclusion of bikes on the road, there is an obligation - under certain
> circumstances - to use the cycleway, this is a difference and should not be
> tagged like an exclusion of bikes on the road (e.g. like on a motorway)
> cheers,
> Martin
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