I have started using bicycle dismount mainly on nodes like pedestrian
crossings  (where by law you have to dismount) and bicycle barriers (to
indicate that the obstacle forces you to dismount, unless you are an
Occasionally I have used it on ways where bicyckles need to be pushed, like
very narrow footpaths along busy highways (typically between guard rails)
or on narrow foot bridges, to indicate that it is extremely dangerous to
ride a cycle there. But I admit that this is in a certain way mapping for
the router.

On 7 October 2013 18:09, fly <lowfligh...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hey
> I wonder if it is useful to tag bicycle=dismount on ways.
> At least in Germany there is no official traffic sign despite of the
> existence of some.
> You are allowed to push your bike on every footway/pedestrian plus ways
> with vehicle=no. E.g. it is useless. Either you are allowed to ride
> (bicycle=yes/designated) or not (bicycle=no or vehicle=no)
> I can understand if it is used together with barrier on nodes.
> How is the situation in other countries ?
> Cheers fly
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