On 2013-03-01 21:50, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote :
2013/3/1 Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com>:
In what language do you suggest we write this in? For example, it would be
natural to write Samsung in Korean, for it is a Korean company. But Korean
has two styles of writing, Hanja and Hangul, so we should decide which one
to use. Or should we go with English, because Openstreetmap relies on

What about duplicate brands?

sooner or later you will discover them with this system ;-)
Not sure if this will be a real problem, probably you will be able to
separate them by country buondaries later.

For the language, I'd use the "typical" brand name. For instance
Samsung seems to be written exactly like this also in Korea:
It rather seems to me that they write  삼성.
Look carefully, that page has many.
If you don't see them, type Ctrl+F.
If you want more,  do a  삼성  site search.
I think that we should not decide, but ask 삼성.
I think they will choose "Samsung".



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