Am 31.01.2013 18:14, schrieb Malcolm Herring:
On 31/01/2013 15:17, Martin Vonwald wrote:
As you already need to
split the roads at the edges of the structure, because you need to add
the layer (and bridge) key within the structure, there are already
nodes present - just connect them with the OSM way of the structure.

Why do you need split the road at the edges of the bridges? This is currently done because it is the only way of defining the bridge. If we are to split the two features, then this need disappears. If the bridge crossing ways have width or weight limits, these do not necessarily coincide with the structural limits of the bridges. They often apply to the approaches as well, so the section of the road where the restriction applies begins and ends beyond the bridge.
I agree that this is nice in future, but for compatibility reasons I would propose a slow progress towards what you describe: if the bridge is already there the ways are splitted, the bridge highway is already there and so on - so: keep them splitted and it's less work with more backwards compatibility. If they are not, it's up to you as a mapper if you want outdated renderers to use the old scheme or not.


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